A welcome message from our President

October 24, 2015

A welcome message from our President

Welcome everyone to the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights.

Our decades long fight for the simple right to privately and peacefully own firearms is as crucial as it was when the Firearms Act began implementation in the early 90’s. Strangely, as much effort as our community has put forward, we find ourselves again struggling to maintain a legal right to keep our own property. We find ourselves again under attack while we commit no offence to our fellow citizens or country. Why?

Our fight exists on two fronts. First, a political battle to work with and elect governments who understand fundamental human rights such as the right to private property and defense of person. Secondly, and even more importantly, the general population need understand these issues and their implications so that governments focus on correctly meeting the needs of the majority. On this second point we have been failing.

The CCFR is a very different firearm advocacy organization. Our focus is to inform and educate the non gun owning public on how the regulation system works and what laws have an impact on public safety. We will do this through a wide array of outreach programs using method never before deployed by our community. It’s our hope that by offering our expertise, the general public will be in a better position to ask our government for effective policies that would result in better outcomes for all involved.

Please join us in building a safer and more equitable Canada.

Yours Truly,


Rod Giltaca

Stand Up For Your Rights

Make a difference by supporting us as we fight for our property rights.