Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights

Why Join?


Introduction to the CCFR:

The CCFR is a completely different group in that we are a public relations organization that focuses on both educating non-gun owning Canadians on the topic and representing gun owners in a positive light.

Since the CCFR Started (2015) This Is What We've Done up to the May 1st, 2020 Gun Ban

  • Trade shows: since our inception, we’ve sponsored booths at hundreds of  shows across Canada; spreading the mandate of the CCFR and reaching out to the general public. Our approach has been welcoming and educational, introducing firearms and their owners to non-gun owning Canadians.
  • We sent a delegation at the CPC convention in Vancouver and helped historic new policies be adopted for Canadian firearms owners
  • Produced a CCFR YouTube channel with update videos, educational resources for all firearms owners to use and access.
  • Developed – a repository of information, resources and statistical data for all firearms owners to use.
  • PSA announcements detailing some of the unfair and damaging legislation Canadian firearms owners face. We had impressive analytics on these PSA’s, with over 253 000 people reached.
  • Official press releases over a national news wire service, not just website posts. These are far reaching to every media outlet in the country. This is a positive method of establishing relations with media that hasn’t been seen in the firearms community.
  • Countless radio, TV, print and web interviews with Rod Giltaca and Tracey Wilson shedding a positive light on gun ownership in a mature, rational, likeable manner. These include CTV National News, CBC’s The National and more.
  • Front cover of 7 national newspapers display Tracey Wilson and her “Gun Goddess” story, shedding light on women in the shooting sports and dispelling the myths created by media. This is the first time any firearm organization has had front page, positive, national coverage.
  • Live streamed our AGMs, and offered secure online voting so every member could attend, and participate regardless of geographical location. The CCFR is the first to provide this opportunity and transparency to its membership.
  • The CCFR is fully compliant with the NFP Act including up-to-date financials available upon request, another first.
  • Have recruited over 250 Field Officers to help attend shows and events.
  • Supported the approval of new ranges by attended city council meetings.
  • Filmed a documentary on firearm ownership with Vice media, released December 2016 Nationally. Watch “Armed & Reasonable” here
  • Sponsored multiple events across Canada including IPSC and youth shooting events and the 6th Annual Podcasters Charity Shoot in support of “Soldier On”, IDPA ON provincials, Got Your Six Charity shoot
  • Published an “open letter” to Crime stoppers LEM regarding their offensive billboard which was subsequently removed and an apology issued.
  • Released an official press release to advise Canadians about the RCMP opinion on the Ruger 10/22 mag issue and attended a multi-org planning session to discuss ways we can work together to fight this decision. The CCFR is committed to working with and alongside other orgs for the benefit of firearms owners.
  • Lobbyist Tracey Wilson meeting with the Minister of the Status of Women in Canada to discuss the evolution of women in our sport.
  • Developed a comprehensive insurance program, including $5 000 000 liability policy for ALL members, at no extra charge, a legal advice insurance product so firearms owners can get the tough questions answered by the most knowledgeable firearms law experts for a nominal annual fee ($16), and legal defense ($92) insurance that protects firearms owners from prosecution, using the most respected and knowledgeable legal team in Canada.
  • Sponsored and volunteered at the 4H Youth Shooting Program in Nova Scotia where kids and teens learned the fundamentals of safety, maintenance, operation and storage & transportation of various firearms
  • Launched the CCFR Gunnie Girl calendar program, comprised of women who are members. With women quickly becoming the fastest growing sector of the shooting sports, the CCFR has launched an exciting new fund-raising initiative to support women’s programming and education. The “CCFR Gunnie Girl Calendar” is a creative, fun way to highlight some of the classy, Canadian women who are trail blazers in our community. This year’s calendar features Olympic hopefuls, political figures, media personalities and the girl next door.
  • CCFR Board Members were the originating signatories on the infamous AR-15 E-Petition, an MP sponsored parliamentary petition that gained the highest number of signatures (at that point) of ANY petition put before parliament with a staggering 25 000+ names.
  • Organized and recruited ranges outside Fort McMurray to harbor victims of the 2016 wild fires, the Gatineau floods and worked with the CFO on the BC wild fires, giving them a safe place to go and bring their R and NR firearms, their families and belongings or offering temporary safe storage to evacuees. Many firearms owners were being turned away from shelters if they arrived with their firearms with them.
  • Attended the CPC Leadership debate in Ottawa, where Tracey Wilson was the first to address the candidates and asked the only firearms rights related questions. CBC covered the event.
  • The CCFR launched the “Explainer video” series, an innovative new set of 2 minute videos that are highly shareable, short and drill down into issues that affect gun owners. This was a $120,000 public outreach program, the largest firearm related PR campaign in Canada’s history.
  • Developed and distributed an “across the playing field” questionnaire for candidates of the CPC Leadership race to fill out and return. The data collected from this form will help us populate the easy to understand and highly shareable “CCFR Report Cards” we will produce for each candidate on their stance regarding the firearms file. Met with candidates face to face at the House of Commons and other events.
  • Directly employs two of the only in-house registered lobbyists in Ottawa fighting for the rights of Canadian gun owners in an official capacity.
  • The CCFR is the only organization meeting with Public Safety on a regular basis to help guide & navigate legislation and delay unfriendly initiatives like the UN marking scheme and Bill C-71.
  • National title sponsors of Project Mapleseed, a national Canadian marksmanship program.
  • Sponsored Olympic hopeful and Team Canada member, Mary Patrick on her journey to the 2020 Olympics and international shooting events.
  • The CCFR has entered into an advertising agreement with Wild TV to highlight the issues facing Canadian gun owners. The goal is to unite all gun owners and to encourage them to become active.
  • Have launched a parliamentary e-petition sponsored by Michelle Rempel demanding the members of CFAC take the Canadian Firearm Safety Course
  • Launched CCFR Radio, a wildly popular bi-weekly podcast to keep gun owners advised of issues, events and features special guest interviews. Available on iTunes.
  • Personally interviewed the current Conservative party leader Andrew Scheer and runner up Maxime Bernier.
  • The CCFR is in the process of filming the first television show in Canadian broadcast history to feature target and sport shooting. This show will air October 2018 nationally on WildTV and is called “The CCFR’s Canada Down Range”. Canadian gun owners have never had an opportunity to be humanized on national TV before and the CCFR is just the organization to make this happen.
  • Launched an initiative specifically against Bill C-71 comprised of a grassroots campaign to organize political action as well as an unprecedented online campaign of viral one-minute political videos designed to exert pressure on legislators.
  • Held the very first pro-gun Parliamentary Press Conference in Center Block in response to Bill C-71.
  • Hosted a firearms roundtable on Parliament Hill with 7 MP’s and accompanying staffers concerning Bill C-71.
  • Participated in a 23 interview marathon through CBC Syndication where the concerns of gun owners was heard form coast to coast.
  • Testified as expert witnesses at the Standing Committee on Public safety & National Security against C-71
  • Funded and hosted C-71 & handgun ban Town Halls across the country to raise awareness 
  • Funds and hosts hundreds of  Ladies Range Days across the country to introduce women to the shooting sports (ongoing)
  • Sent two delegates to the Conservative Party of Canada’s Policy Convention to ensure the interests of gun owners was protected during policy development
  • Participated in over 60 interviews on radio and television in the last 12 months
  • Made the front page of the local Halifax newspaper during the CPC Policy Convention 2018
  • Ongoing sponsored campaign against C-71 and the handgun ban with political videos and social media meme campaigns – currently at 30
  • Held a second parliamentary press conference to oppose the proposed liberal ban on handguns and “assault style rifles”
  • Conducted a lobby week with the Senate to oppose C-71
  • Participated in an in-studio live call in show with CFRA’s Brian Lilley to engage the public in a conversation about a handgun ban
  • Sent Rod Giltaca on invitation from Minister Bill Blair to a consultation meeting in Toronto to defend the interests of gun owners during the examination of a ban on handguns and “assault style rifles”, produced video with Code of Arms about the experience:
  • Tracey Wilson took Canadian hunting sensation Jim Shockey to the range to discuss C-71 and the proposed examination of a handgun ban, producing multiple social media content posts to raise awareness in the hunting community
  • Embarked on a joint task force with victims of violence and community outreach groups to pressure the government to do the hard work of actually working on crime.
  • Testified at the Senate standing committee on National Security & Defense in opposition to Bill C-71
  • Single-handedly embarked on a public relations battle with the Canadian Doctors for Protection From Guns, including political videos, media interviews and calls to action
  • Launched another $100 000 Explainer Video campaign, spearheaded by an expose of the discredited Ontario Pediatrician study
  • Launched a massively successful new clothing line on the online store for fundraising
  • Commissioned and completed a research project to investigate and scrutinize the “19 studies” that are the basis of the “clear and overwhelming” evidence (supporting further gun control), a doctor’s group and the Coalition for Gun Control have presented to the media, house committee and senate committees (to be published August 2019)
  • Hosted countless charity shooting events including the 9th Annual Podcaster’s Charity Shoot raising over $10k for the Big Country Anti-Violence Association & the Drumheller Humane Society
  • Created and circulated the first, fully referenced study in Canadian history showing conclusively that the CBC is biased against gun owners. This irrefutable evidence will be used in an upcoming CCFR initiative. Check out the summary video here Check out the study here:
  • A group of activist doctors claimed to have clear and irrefutable evidence supporting the banning of handguns and so-called “assault weapons”. The studies they used have been quoted endlessly. The CCFR commissioned a full and referenced review of this “evidence” and have circulated it to the media and the Senate. This group now has no evidence. See the summary video here Download the study here
  • Renewed the CCFR’s network television show “The CCFR’s Canada Downrange” for a second season. It premiered in January 2020 on Sportsman Channel Canada.
  • Produced a full budget television commercial to encourage Canadians to think before judging gun owners for air in November 2019 on mainstream television.
  • The CCFR rented a 30′ long class C motor home fully wrapped to create a moving billboard. This billboard drew attention to the Liberal party’s failure on crime and attack on legal gun owners. Rod Giltaca and Tracey Wilson drove this bus 6000 kilometers from Ottawa to Montreal to Regina, stopping at Liberal campaign offices to confront the candidates about these failures. This was done during the 3 weeks prior to the 2019 federal election. The bus was easily seen by a million Canadians. Candidate offices included Justin Trudeau, Ralph Goodale, Adam Vaughan, Mark Holland, Bill Blair Karen McCrimmon and others.

Since the May 1st, 2020 Gun Ban 

This is What We've Done

In the case of the current Liberal\NDP government, our mandate is to do everything legally possible to delay and prevent unreasonable gun control bills from being enacted. In our system, the government can do virtually anything it wants and the only way to stop them is to vote them out.
Since the May 2020 gun ban (only 3 years ago), the CCFR has done the following:

We launched an interactive and content-rich online quiz on The quiz is designed to test and educate non-gun owners about firearm regulation and statistics that inform their opinions. The CCFR offered Amazon gift cards in a free draw for those who can pass both the Basic and Advanced quizzes. GunDebate has now been redesigned to be a repository of firearm related knowledge for those interested in learning about our topic.

Federal Court Challenge

The CCFR launched the largest federal court challenge on behalf of gun owners in Canadian history. This suit includes claims supported by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Bill of Rights and the Constitution Act. The CCFR hired an entire team of constitutional litigators to ensure we have the best possible chance at success.

Media Campaign

We leveraged our court case into a $200,000 media campaign to attract the interest of non-gun owning Canadians to our fight. This media campaign included a sponsored article, an infographic and an open letter published in 17 newspapers across the entire country. National Post, Financial Post, Vancouver Sun, Vancouver Province, Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald, Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Regina Leader Post, Windsor Star, Ottawa Citizen, Montreal Gazette, Kingston Whig-Standard, London Free Press and Sun newspapers in Edmonton, Ottawa, Calgary, Winnipeg and Toronto. This is the largest physical newspaper ad campaign on behalf of gun owners in Canadian history and equated to 68 full-page ads.

2 Part TV Special on WildTV

We developed and financed two 1-hour TV specials – “Gun Ban Canada” for WildTV and online distribution to tell our side of the May 2020 gun ban story. over 100,000 people have watched these two shows online. Parts 1 & 2 are available for viewing on our YouTube channel.

1 Hour Special "Broken Trust"

We developed another 1-hour special, “Broken Trust” for Sportsman channel and online distribution. This special focuses on the CCFR’s court case and why it should matter to all Canadians.
WATCH "Broken Trust"

Townhall Meetings for Conservative Candidates

The CCFR posted townhall videos for all four Conservative Party candidates to help gun owners make an informed choice in the upcoming Conservative Party leadership election (2020).

Over 200 Media Interviews

The CCFR represented gun owners in over 200 mainstream media appearances since May 1, 2020, including CBC syndicated interviews nationwide. No one represents gun owners as reasonable, relatable people better than the CCFR.

Jim Shockey Videos

The CCFR worked with hunting legend Jim Shockey to create and distribute three videos to raise awareness and get hunters involved. These videos were seen over 500,000 times in just the first 10 days after release.

Canada Downrange Season 2

Starting June 23, 2020, the CCFR’s Canada Downrange Season 2 began running weekly on YouTube as a tool to be shared with all Canadians. This is an incredible resource to show non-gun owners what our community and culture really is, despite what the media wants to show them. It’s the first nationally broadcast television series on sport shooting in Canada, ever.

"Gun Canada - Exposed"

In partnership with WildTV, the CCFR produced a ground-breaking investigative documentary series called “Gun Ban Canada – Exposed”. This data driven docu-series exposes the fraudulent arguments of the Liberal Government and their supporters. These are incredible tools for gun owners and are available on our YouTube channel for free viewing.

$150,000 Bell Media Radio Ad

The CCFR launched a $150,000 Bell Media radio ad campaign on TSN Sports and CFRA Talk Radio. These advertisements were heard nation-wide on the I-Heart Radio network.

Integrity March 2020

The CCFR hosted the largest march (Sept 12, 2020) for firearm rights in 22 years – The CCFR’s Integrity March. 5000 Canadians marched on Ottawa to oppose the undemocratic gun ban, an incredible feat during a global pandemic.

Court Injunction

CCFR legal team filed an Injunction Motion Application in Federal Court to stay the May 1 Gun Ban. This motion application was heard on January 18, 2020.

Resource Tool for City and Town Councils Who Opposed Municipal Handgun Ban

Created and implemented a resource tool for city and town councils to use to introduce a motion to pre-emptively oppose a municipal handgun ban.

Supported Provincial Governments

Supported provincial governments in tabling and passing legislation to prevent municipalities within their jurisdictions from passing handgun bans.

Mass Casualty Commission Participant

The CCFR and our CEO Rod Giltaca were accepted as a “Participant with Standing” in the massive public inquiry into the Nova Scotia shooting. His submissions can be found on MASSCASUALTYCOMMISSION.CA
WATCH video

Billboard Campaign

The CCFR launched the largest billboard campaign for gun owners in history. Our message was seen on 66 billboards across the country over the course of 6 weeks with the simple, subtle messaging of "Can you handle the truth" and our website We redeveloped the website into a repository of information and data to help educate the public.

Election Project

Election project - with the 2021 election came some of our biggest projects, right on the heels of the billboard campaign. The CCFR invested $240,000 in radio and TV commercial ads that aired nationally for the 2 weeks before the election on Global, CTV, TSN, CP24 and during major sporting events like football games. In addition, the "Pamphlet Project" was a grassroots, boots to the ground, education campaign carried out in key vulnerable ridings across the GTA, in BC and NB. A 16 page, full color, glossy, fully referenced brochure was printed to the tune of 260,000 copies and distributed by hand to the mailboxes of undecided voters across the country. This campaign involved 100's of volunteers, dozens of firearm retailers and our very own Tracey Wilson on the road for 16 days.

Wild TV Show

The CCFR launched another national cable TV show, CCFR Radio - On the Air. CCFR OTA brings weekly updates and entertaining guests to the hunting and outdoors community though Wild TV. This show is now a bi-weekly update show that runs in perpetuity and is among the highest rated shows on WildTV’s network. There has never been a show like this on Canadian television before.
WATCH video

CCFR Radio Podcast

The CCFR has also produced the CCFR Radio Podcast bi-weekly for the past 4 years to keep gun owners informed. The online show has become the most popular firearm-related podcast in Canada. Check out a new episode every second Thursday here.

National Range Day

The CCFR launched the largest national public relations project in Canadian firearms advocacy history, National Range Day - a day to celebrate the 2.3M Licensed Canadians who safely own and use firearms. Clubs and supporters from coast to coast host open house or special events on the 1st Saturday in June every year going forward. Over 100 clubs hosted events in the very first year.

Ever Increasing Social Media Presence

The CCFR has dominated anti-gun groups and even the Federal Government at times, online. The CCFR expanded our online presence with a full-time Social Media Manager and has resulted in an unprecedented volume of coverage and online content production. The online fight is critical in opposing anti-gun misinformation and promoting our safe and legal access to firearms.

SECU Meetings Playlist

The CCFR captures and posts all meetings in Parliamentary Committees that impact gun owners. We make these available on our YouTube channel despite the government deleting access to many of these meetings. The CCFR keeps these records for all gun owners.

Sponsor Shooting Event

The CCFR promoted the shooting sports with an east coast summer tour with stops at ranges, retailers, IPSC Nationals and Ladies Range Day events in 2022.

Full-Time Social Media Team

The CCFR Continues to employ a full-time marketing team to represent gun owners and disseminate relevant firearm-related news to our entire community on over 10 social media platforms. The CCFR posts multiple times per day on all of these platforms. Gun owners need a voice, and they need information, and the CCFR provides both.

Positive Firearm Community Short Videos

The CCFR produced and distributed seven short videos featuring various positive events in our community. These videos portray what real “Canadian Gun Culture” looks like and are available for direct download on the “CCFR Download” site. They are invaluable tools to send to others via email or post on social media. The CCFR fights back against bad branding and Liberal Party smears against licensed, responsible gun owners.

Handgun Freeze

After the Liberal’s “Handgun Freeze”, the CCFR commissioned an official legal opinion on the handgun import ban to test its legality. It was determined that questions of legality would be answered in the CCFR landmark case in CCFR vs Canada, with our hearing date at the end of April 2023.

CCFR Testifies to SECU

The CCFR’s Rod Giltaca appeared on behalf of gun owners as an expert witness to the Public Safety Committee (SECU) on November 3, 2022. The video can be found on our YouTube Channel.
WATCH Rod testifying to Committee

Parliament Hill Press Conferences

The CCFR’s Rod Giltaca & Tracey Wilson conducted two press conferences on Parliament Hill, one in Nov 2022 and December 2022. Videos can be found on our YouTube Channel.

The CCFR’s “ScrapC21” Project

In response to the disastrous Liberal Bill C-21 and its amendments G4 & G46, the CCFR responded with this massive campaign. The campaign involved a letter writing campaign with online tools, a range poster program, a content download website, mainstream media outreach and more.

Within 8 days of the release of the CCFR’s Scrap C-21 campaign, facing backlash and humiliation, the Liberal Government withdrew amendments G4 & G46.

No matter what happens, the CCFR never stops fighting!

Range Poster Program

As part of the CCFR’s Scrap C-21 campaign, the CCFR created 2 full-size, colour posters detailing what the Liberals (aided by the NDP and Bloc Quebecois) were attempting to do to licensed gun owners in Canada. The CCFR produced these posters and distributed them at no cost to 300 ranges and gun stores across Canada to raise awareness and bring gun owners together to fight Bill C21.

Social Media Download Site

The CCFR created dozens of memes and videos exposing what the Liberals were planning to do to licensed gun owners and made all this incredible content available to the public. The download site, part of the CCFR's Scrap C-21 Project, allows Canadians to download the source files at no cost to them and use them as tools to fight the Liberals misinformation online. This was another “never before done” initiative by the CCFR. 

Real-Time Transcript of CCFR v Canada

During the 8-day hearing for CCFR v Canada, our own Tracey Wilson attended court every day and live tweeted a comprehensive transcript of what was happening for all who couldn’t be there. This live transcript consisted of 200,000 words, furiously typed out in real time. Thanks to all who supported this 2.5 million dollar counter-punch to the federal government, and rest assured that the CCFR isn’t giving up anytime soon!

CCFR Testifies at Senate Committee (SECD)

CCFR CEO Rod Giltaca testified to Senator deliberating on Bill C21. In preparation for the CCFR's appearance, we circulated a specially produced video called "Bill C21 For Senators" to all members of the Senate. Thankfully, several members of this committee mentioned that they took the time to watch it. the CCFR and the voices of firearm owners were heard that day. To what effect, we will see.

CCFR Holds Press Conference Against Bill C21

The CCFR's Rod Giltaca & Tracey Wilson held a press conference on Parliament Hill against Bill C21. These press conferences are important as our organization represents responsible gun owners across the country. Licensed gun owners need to be visible during these battles and need to have leaders who can answer any question from the media so that our narrative isn't written in our absence. The CCFR always shows up.

Ladies Range Days Across Canada

We all know the best way to change someone's mind about firearms is to take them shooting. That's why the CCFR's Women's Program exists. Funding is raised by female members of the CCFR themselves, through our Gunnie Girls Calendar and shooting events. This funding goes to holding 100's of Ladies Range Day events at dozens of gun clubs across the country EVERY year.

CCFR Federal Court of Appeal

Undeterred by the Federal Government's win in court, the CCFR filed for an appeal with the Canadian Federal Court of Appeal. The CCFR was granted this application and was heard by the court in mid-December 2024. A decision is expected in March 2025. The CCFR's legal team is highly optimistic concerning our chances to disqualify all gun bans improperly executed by the Liberal Government using Orders in Council.

Live Tweets on Hearing

The CCFR’s Tracy Wilson compiled her own “man on the street” style transcript during our hearing by the federal Court of Appeal. This allows anyone to read what happened during the hearings in a common language, summarized fashion.

Operation Pitchfork

In mid-December 2024, the CCFR announced Operation Pitchfork. This is the largest political project the organization has ever produced. It consists of a multi pronged approach to politically diminish the government's ability to ban firearms while promoting parties interested in respecting licensed gun owners. More news regarding the individual projects under the Operation Pitchfork umbrella will be forthcoming.

All of this has been accomplished on behalf of all gun owners in just the last four and a half years. The reason this was possible is because many Canadian gun owners support of the CCFR by becoming members and donating. Be part of the solution by supporting the CCFR. Click here.


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