Public Safety file taking on a life of its own.

November 14, 2021

Public Safety file taking on a life of its own.

On a grey, rainy day in Ottawa, October 26 to be exact, Liberals made their way to a ceremony to unveil the new cabinet going into the 44th session of Canadian parliament. A lot of shuffling and some key replacements left Canadians with a mix-up of new roles and some division amongst existing files.

Of great interest to licensed, Canadian gun owners is the Public Safety file. For a long time, this role encompassed many files under the title of “Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness”, held since the 2019 election by former Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair. A wildly divisive politician, Blair completely left behind all common sense and reason when it came to his role heading up this Ministry. 

Interestingly, the 2021 cabinet saw this role divided between Blair for Emergency Preparedness and GTA MP Marco Mendocino for Public Safety. As a consolation for being removed from the Public Safety file, Blair also received an appointment as President of the Privy Council, a largely symbolic patronage appointment, likely given to thank him for being Trudeau’s lead henchman in the attack on legal gun owners. 

Marco Mendocino, a former federal prosecutor, takes over the file. You can see a glimpse of what’s to come for gun owners by watching the TVO special “Political Blind Date” where he was paired up with former cop Glen Motz, Conservative MP. A mild-spoken, meek Marco was taken to a local gun range but refused to even touch a firearm out of fear, a strange reaction for an educated adult who should have a basic understanding and familiarity through his previous work.

Enter Raquel Dancho, rookie, star Conservative MP as Public Safety Opposition Critic or “Shadow Minister”. Raquel is a Political Science major from McGill and grew up in a small farming community in Manitoba. A young, competent voice for rural life she prepares to take on Mendocino and this file when parliament resumes November 22. She said in a recent social media statement, “Instead of keeping Canadian families safe by targeting violent criminals, the Liberals continue to demonize law abiding gun owners”. She vows to hold the Liberals, and Mendocino in particular, accountable for their lack of credible work to reduce crime and violence.

A promising sign for Canada’s most vetted citizens – us.

Stay tuned as we enter this new parliamentary session, which promises to bring even further attacks on our community.

As always, you can count on the CCFR to defend you, every day.

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