Ottawa, ON - Recently the RCMP Specialized Firearms Support Services provided a written opinion to a vendor regarding the .50 Beowulf five round magazine. They have taken the view that these magazines meet the definition of a prohibited device under the Criminal Code. One important perspective on this issue is that this is an opinion only; the RCMP does not have the legal authority to classify anything as prohibited. The problem with our system in Canada is that while acting on this opinion, the RCMP can make arrests, seize property, recommend charges and no substantive recourse is available to the average citizen outside of the criminal law system. The Crown may play a part in this mess by approving charges based on their inability to determine whether a crime has been committed, and therefore refer the matter to a court. This is not a new problem.
While the impact of this situation is unclear at present the CCFR will continue to develop initiatives related to our mandate, which is to educate the public so that they may understand the ineffectiveness of such regulations to keep the public safe while playing a widely destructive role in the lives of innocent, trusted Canadians. Even though this issue is negative, the CCFR will use it to illustrate the arbitrary and patronizing nature of these regulations in an attempt to make supporting them politically unpopular.
Contact :
Rod M. Giltaca
President/ Président
Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights / Coalition canadienne pour les droits aux armes à feu
P.O. Box 91572 RPO Mer Bleu / C.P. 91572 CSP Mer Bleu
Ottawa, Ontario K1W 0A6 / Ottawa (Ontario) K1W 0A6