CTV Montreal poll - the truth is out there

December 7, 2017

CTV Montreal poll - the truth is out there

Yesterday CTV Montreal posted an online poll asking the same question as the very controversial Ekos gun poll, asking participants if they support an all-out ban on firearms in urban centres. Canadians including gun owners jumped at the chance to have their voices heard and the post received a great deal of attention. Gradually the "yes's" were overcome by the "no's".

This morning within a 33 minute time window, the strangest thing happened. The number of participants more than doubled, all "yes's" from a 12 hour polling time frame to suddenly an overwhelming "yes". Coincidentally (or not) the new poll numbers matched nicely with the Ekos poll results.

Notice the 7:33am time stamp

Shortly after, we have the odd jump in numbers for the "yes" side.

The CCFR spearheaded a campaign asking people to notify CTV Montreal via e-mail ... perhaps there was some kind of computer hack at work, or an issue with the poll itself?

The CCFR has contacted CTV Montreal asking for an official public response, along with a large amount of concerned members.

It didn't take long for the poll to be closed and reappear with the original results. Did the problem get sorted out, or was the public outcry responsible for the flip-flop. In any event here are the official poll results: CTV Talkback poll results     ***EDIT: NOW EVEN THE RESULTS HAVE DISAPPEARED ... the search for the truth continues!!

We'll update the story once we get an official reply from CTV Montreal, and thank everyone for staying on top of things like this. It's important for news sources to stay factual and transparent.

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