Poll sparks controversery, CCFR responds

December 5, 2017

Poll sparks controversery, CCFR responds

A recent poll by Ekos, a polling company contracted by The Canadian Press has garnered huge attention nation-wide as social media shares explode.

The controversial poll claims that 69% of Canadians support a "strict ban on firearms" in urban centres.

Read more about the story here: Global News Story

An e-mail to Ekos Research Associates'  resulted in the full polling report, you can download it here: Full Report (December 4, 2017)[5309]

While social media lit up with angry gun owners questioning the poll, which asked the following question to 2287 Canadians, "I think there should be a strict ban on guns in urban areas" (agree/disagree), CCFR President Rod Giltaca answered the call for some rational, factual dialogue surrounding this topic.

Giltaca interviewed with Scott Thompson on 900 CHML Global, listen to the full interview here:

Later that same day, CCFR VP of Public Relations Tracey Wilson spoke on the Rick Gibbons Show on Ottawa 1310News. Listen here: Wilson-1310 Interview

Rod was up again last night on the Charles Adler Radio show: Giltaca on Adler

The CCFR is committed to pressing forward with our mandate of education and public relations. More interviews will be added as they happen. In the arena of public opinion, you'll find the CCFR - the public relations arm of the Canadian firearms community.

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