With the constant stream of attacks on legal gun owners, you can't help but hear the grumblings on forums and social media pages across the country … everyone wants to know "what are you doing". Since the proverbial hammer dropped on the heads of sport shooters and hunters 8 months ago with the tabling of C-71, the CCFR has hit the ground running. Frustrations run high when your sport is under an attack of this magnitude, and we don't sit on our thumbs over here at the CCFR.
As the year draws to a close, we thought we would re-cap some of the ways in which we have battled for firearms owners since the spring. Whether it's in the media, in the House of Commons or in the court of public opinion, we've got your six.
Since March 2018:
- Held two fully promoted press conferences on Parliament Hill in Center Block and featured on CPAC. Yes, gun owners do have a voice in the mainstream;
- CCFR Parliamentary Press Conference - handgun ban
- CCFR Parliamentary Press Conference - C71
- Testified as expert witnesses against C-71 before the Standing Committee on Public Safety & National Security (SECU)
- Conducted over 50 media interviews, including a CBC syndication, television and line "in studio" shows (no more "we can't get on mainstream media" excuses!) You can find many of them here: CCFR Interview Vault
- Produced 9 social media political video ads that have been seen over 500, 000 times in Canada alone! Sample - political video ad
- Produced and sponsored several political meme ads that have been viewed over 100, 000 times (sponsored on Facebook & Twitter)
- Promoted the parliamentary petition E-1608 against Bill C-71 to the second most signed e-petition in Canadian History
- Hosted a roundtable event on parliament hill attended by 7 MP's and their staff
- funded and hosted multiple "town hall" events with MP's and the public around the country.
- Met with Senators (last process for C-71) & lobbied extensively on behalf of gun owners. Check out the Lobby Canada activities link to see who's been there and how many times: Lobby Canada Search then type in "firearms" into the search.
- Produced bi-weekly podcasts with updates and information to keep gun owners informed: CCFR Radio - Episodes
- Attended the Conservative Party of Canada's policy convention in Halifax, made the front page of the Halifax Star while in town: Read it
- Been officially labeled the "Canadian NRA" by the Liberal Party of Canada (interesting honour …)
- Was invited by the Minister to participate in the "consultation" on a handgun and assault weapon ban: Rod Giltaca attends consultation with Minister Blair
- Completed filming for season 1 of The CCFR's Canada Down Range TV show to premier Jan 2, 2019. A huge breakthrough to humanize and legitimize gun ownership in Canada. A) we've hit the mainstream, B) this is only the beginning, stay tuned … Official Trailer: CCFR's Canada Down Range
- Sponsored a full year of one minute ads on Wild Tv to mobilize hunters and fishermen to get active in advocating for their own rights. This is one of the keys to developing a powerful gun lobby that creates sufficient political pressure to change a government's course (we aren't there yet) Sample commercial CCFR
The CCFR has done all this and more since the introduction of Bill C-71, only 8 short months ago. We have been busy! (understatement of the year) If you value the hard work we have done, and understand the mountain yet to be tackled, please support the CCFR by becoming a member or donating right now.
We don't get government funding like the anti groups do, it is entirely up to Canadian gun owners to fund their own fight!! Our only limitation is ourselves.