Cukier, CGC denied intervenor status

September 12, 2022

Cukier, CGC denied intervenor status

CCFR General Counsel Michael Loberg reported today that Associate Chief Justice Jocelyne Gagne has ruled on the application of the Coalition for Gun Control to intervene in CCFR v Canada. The Associate Chief Justice ruled that Wendy Cukier and the Coalition for Gun Control would add nothing to the proceedings, and they were denied intervenor status in our ongoing federal court action against the sweeping 2020 gun ban.

Gagne said "not only will the Coalition not be filing its own evidence, but Dr. Cukier admitted on cross-examination that she had not reviewed the numerous affidavits and extensive documentary evidence filed by all the parties in support of their respective positions".

CCFR General Counsel considers this a meaningful victory in our fight against the government's oppressive firearm bans.

The CCFR is proud to fight this undemocratic and divisive gun ban on behalf of all Canadian gun owners. You can contribute to that fight HERE (Français)
A huge thank you to our incredible legal team.

You can read the decision below


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