launches online petition

December 12, 2016 launches online petition

Our friends at have launched an online petition to show interested MP's that there is a valid interest by Canadians. The Government of Canada's Parliamentary E-petition site requires a sitting MP to sponsor any e-petitions. Many MP's have not heard enough interest by Canadians to take the steps to help us lift the criminal ban on a simple and effective health & safety device.

What can you do?

Sign this easy online petition to show your support Sign the petition

Head over to and read up on the initiative

Write your MP's and let them know you support this initiative, sample letters available write your MP

Join the CCFR, stand up for your rights Join the fight

Let's show our MP's (who work for us) that there is no valid public safety concern to warrant prohibiting this device.

In Ontario the regulations for sound allowances at ranges changes January 2017. While we're busy working on other initiatives, the government has been busy making it impossible for new ranges to be built and existing ones to be compliant. Effectively, they will squeeze us out with non-gun-oriented gun control like sound issues.





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