There are contemplated changes to our firearm laws and regulations forming in Ottawa as we speak. We have spoken to many in our community that are of the opinion that if we had a strong, well-funded, sophisticated firearm organization that could sway public opinion and hold off these unwarranted attacks on our ability to own and use firearms. We have that opportunity now with the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights (CCFR). The CCFR is by far the most active group our community have ever seen (see the list of accomplishments below). But we can only do as much as our budget allows. The CCFR’s abilities are 100% dependent on gun owners standing up for their own rights and becoming a member or donating.
Stand up now and help, not just for yourself, but the next generation of Canadians. The CCFR only exists if you help.
You can become a member or donate here JOIN THE FIGHT
CCFR Accomplishments (in only 20 months of operation)
- Here are some of the things we accomplished in less than two record-breaking years;
- Trade shows: we had a booth at over 200 shows across Canada; spreading the mandate of the CCFR and reaching out to the general public. We have always been very well received.
- We sent a delegation at the CPC convention in Vancouver and helped historic new policies be adopted for Canadian firearms owners
- Produced a CCFR YouTube channel with update videos, educational resources for all firearms owners to use and access. CCFR on YouTube
- Developed a repository of information, resources and statistical data for all firearms owners to use GUN DEBATE
- PSA announcements detailing some of the unfair and damaging legislation Canadian firearms owners face. We had impressive analytics on these PSA’s, with over 253 000 people reached PSA
- Press Releases over the news wire service, not just website posts. These are far reaching to every media outlet in the country. This is a positive method of establishing relations with media that no one else is doing. PRESS RELEASES
- Numerous radio, TV, Rebel media, and printed newspaper interviews with Rod Giltaca and Tracey Wilson shedding a positive light on gun ownership in a mature, rational, likeable manner.
- Personally interviewed the current Conservative party leader Andrew Scheer and runner up Maxime Bernier. Andrew Scheer Maxime Bernier
- Front cover of 7 national newspapers display Tracey Wilson and her “Gun Goddess” story, shedding light on women in the shooting sports and dispelling the myths created by media. This is the first time any firearm organization has had front page, positive, national coverage. Gun Goddess
- Live streamed our AGMs, and offered secure online voting so every member could attend, and participate regardless of geographical location. No other advocacy org has done this or is currently doing this.
- Have recruited over 180 Field Officers to help attend shows and events
- Had MP’s and city councilors attend and speak at our AGMs
- Attended city council meetings to help new ranges open, the Canadian Forces Small Arms Concentration with Jody Mitic
- Filmed a documentary on firearm ownership with Vice media, released December 2016 Nationally. Watch Armed & Reasonable
- Sponsored multiple events across Canada including IPSC and youth shooting events and the 6th Annual Podcasters Charity Shoot in support of “Soldier On”, IDPA ON provincials, Got Your Six Charity shoot
- Provided audited financial statements right from our very first year
- Published an “open letter” to Crime stoppers LEM regarding their offensive billboard which was subsequently removed and an apology issued.
- Released an official press release to advise Canadians about the RCMP opinion on the Ruger 10/22 mag issue and attended a multi-org planning session to discuss ways we can work together to fight this decision. The CCFR is committed to working with and alongside other orgs for the benefit of firearms owners.
- Lobbyist Tracey Wilson meeting with the Minister of the Status of Women in Canada to discuss the evolution of women in our sport, and where we go from here.
- Developed a comprehensive insurance program, including $5 000 000 liability policy for ALL members, at no extra charge, a legal advice insurance product so firearms owners can get the tough questions answered by the most knowledgeable firearms law experts for a nominal annual fee ($16), and legal defense ($92) insurance that protects firearms owners from prosecution, using the most respected and knowledgeable legal team in Canada.
- Sponsored and volunteered at the 4H Youth Shooting Program in Nova Scotia where kids and teens learned the fundamentals of safety, maintenance, operation and storage & transportation of various firearms
- Launched the CCFR 2017 Gunnie Girl calendar, comprised solely of women who are members. With women quickly becoming the fastest growing sector of the shooting sports, the CCFR has launched an exciting new fund-raising initiative to support women’s programming and education. The “CCFR 2017 Gunnie Girl Calendar” is a creative, fun way to highlight some of the classy, Canadian women who are trail blazers in our community. This year’s calendar features Olympic hopefuls, political figures, media personalities and the girl next door.
- CCFR Board Members were the originating signatories on the infamous AR-15 E-Petition, an MP sponsored parliamentary petition that gained the highest number of signatures of ANY petition put before parliament with a staggering 25 000+ names.
- Organized and recruited ranges outside Fort McMurray to harbor victims of the 2016 wild fires, the Gatineau floods and worked with the CFO on the BC wild fires, giving them a safe place to go and bring their R and NR firearms, their families and belongings or offering temporary safe storage to evacuees. Many firearms owners were being turned away from shelters if they arrived with their firearms with them.
- Attended the CPC Leadership debate in Ottawa, where Tracey Wilson was the first to address the candidates and asked the only firearms rights related questions. CBC covered the event.
- The CCFR launched the “Explainer video” series, an innovative new set of 2 minute videos that are highly shareable, short and drill down into issues that affect gun owners. This was a $120,000 public outreach program, the largest firearm related PR campaign in Canada’s history Explainer Video Series
- Developed and distributed an “across the playing field” questionnaire for candidates of the CPC Leadership race to fill out and return. The data collected from this form will help us populate the easy to understand and highly shareable “CCFR Report Cards” were produced for each candidate on their stance regarding the firearms file. Met with candidates face to face at the House of Commons and other events.
- Directly employs the only in-house registered lobbyist in Ottawa fighting for the rights of Canadian gun owners in an official capacity.
- The CCFR is the only organization meeting with Public Safety on a regular basis to help guide & navigate legislation and delay unfriendly initiatives like the UN marking scheme
- National title sponsors of Project Mapleseed, a national Canadian marksmanship program
- Sponsored Olympic hopeful and Team Canada member, Mary Patrick on her journey to the 2020 Olympics and international shooting events
- The CCFR has entered into an advertising agreement with Wild TV to highlight the issues facing Canadian gun owners.
- Have launched a parliamentary e-petition sponsored by Michelle Rempel demanding the members of CFAC take the Canadian Firearm Safety Course
- Launched CCFR Radio, a bi-weekly podcast to keep gun owners advised of issues, events and progress. Available on iTunes
- The first ever to launch an all-Canadian content TV show on national television. The CCFR's Down Range Canada will air in 2018
- Held a parliamentary press conference regarding C-71 watch the press conference
- Held the largest lobby effort & public relations campaign on parliament hill during the tabling of C-71 View the Lobby Records now
- Participated in a 23 interview marathon through CBC Syndication where the concerns of gun owners was heard form coast to coast.
- Funded and hosted C-71 & handgun ban Town Halls across the country to raise awareness
- Funded and hosted an entire series of Ladies Range Days across the country to introduce women to the shooting sports (ongoing)
- Sent two delegates to the Conservative Party of Canada's Policy Convention to ensure the interests of gun owners is protected during policy development
- Participated in over 40 interviews on radio and television.
All of this is in the last 30 months. We can continue to break records and represent gun owners in the most effective way possible but we need your help. Please join or donate at: CCFR